White Privilege 101 - Free e-Book

Get started on your journey in anti-racist practice

Do you want to practice anti-racism but you don't know how?

Many white people want to contribute to anti-racist change but feel insecure about where to start.

Let’s face it, nobody has taught us in school how we could navigate our white privilege healthily. We lack positive role models who show us how to engage in social justice meaningfully. We can’t practice anti-racism or decolonization the same way as Black people or Indigenous people due to our white privilege. Furthermore, we may have unconscious blocks due to our social conditioning that prevent us from contributing to social justice.

Start your journey today

The more white people learn to navigate their privilege healthily, the more we contribute to a just society. Practicing anti-racism as a white person is a pathway to breaking the intergenerational cycle of systemic violence. If we don’t do anything, we stay part of the problem. White people can become part of the solution by learning to navigate their privilege healthily.

Benefits of "White Privilege 101"

Important terminology

You will understand important terminology concerning privilege and anti-racist practice.

Unconscious blocks

You will discover unconscious blocks that prevent white people from meaningfully engage in anti-racist practice.

Toxic behaviours around privilege

You will learn about toxic behaviour when it comes to privilege and how to avoid it.

Healthy behaviours around privilege

You will learn healthy behaviours on how to navigate your privilege.


Self-reflection is a vital part of anti-racist practice. The e-book has exercises that invite you to deepen your self-awareness.

Concrete plan

Social change requires action. Through the course of the e-book, you will create a plan on how to move forward in your anti-racist practice.

It's time to change

The toxic cycle of systemic racism and colonization is repeating itself since centuries.
Your efforts matter.

Don’t wait any longer. The time to stand up for social change is now.
Download the free ebook today and learn to take care of your white privilege.

Download the free e-book "White Privilege 101"

Empower change, embrace inclusivity

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