
The image shows Natalie Jovanic - a trauma counsellor and trauma recovery coach

Meet Natalie

Master Therapeutic Counsellor & Trauma Recovery Coach

Natalie Jovanic (they/them) specializes in working with diverse clients who have experienced trauma, loss or adverse childhood experiences as well as people with depression and anxiety. They are passionate about supporting their clients on regaining control in their lives. Natalie believes that healing is possible. The services are trauma-informed and based on anti-racist/ anti-oppressive practice. Natalie has an integrative approach for trauma counselling that includes Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) which is recognized as a leading trauma-resolution method.

Additionally, Natalie provides workshops, mentoring, and consultancy services around power, privilege and oppression.

Natalie shared their journey of recovery from childhood abuse in the memoir A Brave, True Stor

Let me tell you my story

On a warm Tuesday morning in September, my mother died after a period of great suffering. I could not imagine my life without her, and I did not have any idea how my life was going to continue. Her doctor encouraged me to see my mother’s death as though it had brought her freedom. Freedom… I sensed by the energy of her words that being free must be wonderful. Freedom was a concept that I had never known before; sadness and pain were what I knew. I felt that maybe it was a wonderful choice for my momWould I have to die first to be able to be free from suffering? It was that day when I was 19 years old that I left home forever. I left behind darkness and violence, and began my search for freedom.

Years later while washing my hair, I caught myself watching the water disappear down the drain.  A feeling emerged from within me that I could finally put words to; I felt as if it was my life that was running away. I had a good job and a relationship, but I was trapped in my own fears and with a deep feeling of worthlessness. I knew that I deserved something better. I needed to do something and I knew that only I could make the difference. So I started this process of change. I cut my hair, took drawing classes, started yoga and moved into an internationally based career. I could not wait to see if the personal changes I was making would make other areas of my life better.  I was ready to take responsibility for my own happiness.

I was sitting in a little bar by the Bi Tan Lake in Taiwan sharing stories with some of my colleagues of our relationships. I could hear the love and respect they had in their voices when they spoke of their partners. I could not speak this way about my partner; I did not feel those things.  I realized with clarity that my relationship was not the way I wanted it to be. Soon after, my attempt to make changes failed and I decided that it was better to stay alone. I knew I would find the relationship that was right for me one day. Once again, I took the right action and the right time through self-awareness and responsibility.

In the following years, I worked towards integrating my childhood trauma – whether it was connecting with my inner child, finding ways to navigate my trauma responses or releasing the trauma that was stored in my body.

 My own healing journey of childhood trauma lead to a career change inspired a career change to becoming a trauma counsellor. As the owner of Bright Horizon Therapies, I am committed about supporting my clients in their healing journey from trauma and loss as well as anxiety and depression. 

I understand what you are going through.
You are not alone.

We can support you in your recovery.

Now – as a trauma counsellor and trauma recovery coach– I pass on what I believe in, but it isn’t just knowledge, theory, and professional experience. You can heal and thrive even after trauma. 

Our services include trauma counselling, grief counselling, and counselling for anxiety and depression. 

Counselling approach

We use an integrative approach to counselling. It combines counselling models from generic counselling as well as trauma focused treatment modalities. The treatment approach is adjusted to the needs of the client.

Counselling foundation

Trauma-informed practice

Trauma-informed practice is based on the principles of safety, trustworthiness and transparency, peer support, collaboration and mutuality, empowerment and choice, and cultural, historical and gender issues. 

Person-centered therapy

Person-centered therapy prioritizes the individual’s autonomy and self-discovery, fostering a therapeutic environment where clients feel accepted, understood, and empowered to explore their own paths to growth and fulfillment.

Gestalt therapy

Gestalt therapy focuses on integrating fragmented aspects of the self, emphasizing awareness, authenticity, and personal responsibility in the present moment to facilitate holistic growth and self-understanding.

Anti-racist/ anti-oppressive practice

Anti-oppressive practice seeks to dismantle systems of power and privilege, advocating for equity and justice by actively challenging discrimination, marginalization, and oppression in all forms. 

Systemic coaching

Systemic coaching addresses issues within the context of larger systems, considering the interconnected relationships and dynamics to facilitate sustainable change and growth for individuals and organizations.

Generic talk therapy is usually not effective to work with trauma. As trauma counsellors, we have an integrated approach to trauma treatment that draws from the following modalities. Trauma focused modalities go beyond trauma-informed practice. 

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a trauma treatment methodology that utilizes bilateral stimulation to help individuals process and resolve traumatic memories, reducing distress and promoting emotional healing. EMDR can be used for trauma and loss.

IFS informed parts work

Parts work involves exploring and integrating different aspects of oneself, acknowledging and understanding the various roles, beliefs, and emotions within to foster inner harmony and personal growth. Our approach is inspired by Janina Fisher’s work around trauma and the theory of structural dissociation.

Somatic approaches

Somatic approaches focus on the mind-body connection, utilizing bodily sensations, movements, and experiences to address and process emotional and psychological issues, promoting holistic healing and well-being.

Poly-vagal informed approach

Polyvagal-informed therapy integrates the understanding of the body’s autonomic nervous system, emphasizing regulation techniques to promote safety, connection, and resilience in navigating stress and trauma responses.

Professional affiliations

Overview of our memberships and affiliations.

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