Grief counselling

Counselling Grief and Loss

Grief Counselling

Grief and Loss

Grief is a natural response to a loss. The loss can be related to the death of a loved one, the loss of a pet, a divorce or separation, a miscarriage or an abortion, the loss of a dream, financial and/ or business losses, loss of a career, physical health challenges or mental health challenges. Furthermore, going through traumatic experiences are associated with loss. 

Often, we can work through grief on our own. However, if the symptoms persists over a long period of time and don’t soften or prevent us from functioning in our lives, it is useful to get support. Grief counselling gives you the emotional support to work through a loss. 

How grief counselling can support you

You don't have to do it alone

Our collaboration depends on your specific situation and associated symptoms. It gives you the space to work through your emotions in your own way and your own time. You will find healthy ways to cope with the loss. Sometimes, losses are traumatic so we would also address this aspect in our sessions. 

Benefits of grief counselling

While each individual has their unique experience to work through grief, these are some of the benefits many people experience:

Grief counselling provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to express their feelings of sorrow, anger, confusion, or any other emotions they may be experiencing. Having someone to talk to who understands and validates their feelings can be incredibly comforting.

Grief counsellors are trained to understand the grieving process and can help individuals navigate through its various stages, such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Understanding that these feelings are a normal part of grief can alleviate some of the confusion and guilt associated with them.

Grief counselling usually teaches coping strategies and techniques to help individuals manage their grief in healthy ways. This may include relaxation exercises, mindfulness techniques, journaling, or engaging in activities that bring comfort and solace.

Since grief can have a trauma-like impact, grief counselling includes practices to regulate one’s nervous system and navigate hypo- or hyperarousal healthily.

Through the process of grieving and healing, individuals may experience personal growth and transformation. Grief counselling can facilitate this process by helping individuals explore their beliefs, values, and priorities, leading to greater self-awareness and resilience.

If grief becomes fully integrated, it can lead to a higher sense of aliveness and connected with oneself.

Grief can strain relationships with family members, friends, and colleagues. Grief counselling can provide guidance on how to communicate effectively with others during this challenging time, leading to stronger and more supportive relationships.

What makes us different

Innovative care

We don’t offer generic counselling but specialize in working with trauma and related symptoms like anxiety and depression. We integrate evidence-based best practices and strive to continuously evolve our knowledge.


The relationship between the counsellor and the client is a vital element of recovery. We navigate the power differential healthily to support you in achieving your goals.

Client empowerment

Working with us, we focus on giving you choices so that you feel empowered and in control of your life and your treatment goals.

Trauma-informed practice

We integrate trauma-informed practice in our treatment approach to ensure safety and build trust.

Applied social justice

We acknowledge systemic dynamics of privilege & oppression and use anti-racist/ anti-oppressive practice. We are BIPOC people and LGBTQ2S+ people allied.

Free discovery session

We offer a free discovery session to give you the opportunity to get to know us better and decide whether we are a good fit.

Take your next step today

Book a free discovery session today to explore your options.

We are aware that it can be nerve-wrecking to look for a therapist. A free discovery session gives you the opportunity to get to know us better. We provide a welcoming space where you can explore the possibility of a collaboration. 

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